The Application
Strategies for Modernizing Health Care Systems
Briljent has a long history of working with states as they work to modernize health care systems and programs. Our understanding of this space was significantly enhanced when we put together a team designed to focus specifically on helping states evaluate current conditions, develop strategies, secure funding, and plan implementation to adopt new and improved healthcare technologies.
Briljent’s lead HIT consultant, Nick Blake, came to our team from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), where he was a national leader of Federal Health IT programs. In addition to authoring Federal regulations, Nick also managed the EHR Incentive Program for 17 States and was the CMS lead for the Eligibility and Enrollment Program for the State of California. Prior to CMS, Nick worked for the State of Florida at the Agency for Health Care Administration.
Under Nick’s guidance, our team has analyzed and developed strategies for HIT initiatives across several states and helped secure millions of dollars in funding. Our team understands the challenges states face and the importance of driving HIT initiatives forward, and we apply an approach based on experience, expertise and tools that completely change the way states think and collaborate. Our goal is to ensure that HIT programs are developed strategically in alignment with each state’s goals, funding opportunities are maximized to the fullest potential and federal review and approval is expedited.