Introduction: Medicaid Modernization and Training Integration
In recent blog posts, we described an innovative approach to equipping learning audiences for Medicaid Modernization and Modular Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES) implementation: the Training Integrator. We introduced the topic at the 2022 State Health IT CONNECT Summit. We then went deeper into the concept, described four key considerations for MES implementation, and most recently, we addressed those considerations.
In this post, we shine the spotlight on our Systems Instructional Design Manager, Jessica Porter, who is an instrumental member of our team when it comes to designing modular MES training. We invite you to attend one of Jessica’s two sessions at the upcoming 2022 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC) this August (8/15/22 – 8/18/22) in Charlotte, NC. While there, drop by our booth (#208) to meet several of our Learning and Development and Health Information Technology experts. Read on to learn more about Jessica and the two sessions that she is presenting with state and industry partners.
Training Integrators Speak with a Common Voice
Training is often considered a bolt-on addition to a systems implementation led by technology vendors. While this approach to learning seems straightforward, disparate training offered by multiple vendors results in piecemeal lessons that do not connect a learner’s experience to business processes and their daily activities. A third-party training vendor curates relevant content and stitches together disparate information into a comprehensive training plan and delivers this training to audiences with a common voice. This is the Training Integrator.
As a recently engaged Training Integrator partner in a modular MES implementation, we recognize the value of deploying our most experienced professionals toward this significant effort. Jessica, PMP ® is a project manager and instructional designer who’s served on dozens of project teams, offering invaluable contributions to many of our projects, particularly state-wide implementations in the MES ecosystem.
Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference Selection
Jessica’s industry and professional expertise are what you can expect from a Training Integration partner. You can join her at two sessions this August in Charlotte.
- Unwinding Continuous Coverage: Equipping Your Workforce for Historic Numbers of Medicaid Redeterminations (8/16/22, 4:30 PM, Room E219 BC)
- A World in Crisis: Reimagining Mobile Crisis Intervention During the PHE and Beyond (8/17/22 4:30 PM, Room E219 D)
Let’s dig into each of these sessions to give you a deeper understanding of what training professionals in the MES ecosystem offer clients and partners.
Unwinding Continuous Coverage: Preparing Stakeholders and Supporting Members
During the public health emergency (PHE), enrollment in Medicaid and the related Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) grew to 85 million people. As the PHE comes to an end, state Medicaid agencies face a new emergency: redetermining eligibility for those 85 million recipients. This colossal effort comes amidst low agency staffing levels, a workforce that’s burned out and overworked, a national labor shortage, and rising salary expectations.

Jessica and her co-speaker, Chris Underwood of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, discuss the work that lies ahead for agencies to leave session attendees with practical solutions to ensure the workforce is prepared, stakeholders are trained, and Medicaid recipients are informed and treated with empathy as they potentially transition off Medicaid. This session will round out participants’ new skills with the ability to systematically implement and monitor a communication plan that is rooted in proven organizational change management (OCM) methodology to ensure anyone affected by the ending of the PHE understands their personal impact.
A World in Crisis: Practical Lessons from Statewide Mental Health Response
The PHE took a heavy toll on people’s mental and behavioral health. According to a CDC study conducted in June 2020, nearly 41% of respondents reported considerably elevated adverse mental health conditions. With increased demands on mental and behavioral health services, Medicaid members and our communities were greatly impacted. Community-based mobile crisis intervention services became even more crucial to support those in need.

To reform their behavioral health system and address the growing needs in their state, the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) designed System Transformation Excellence and Performance (STEP-VA), an innovative program for individuals with behavioral health disorders featuring quality measures and improved oversight. Jessica is joined by co-speakers Kerry Washington, PsyD PMP ® President and CEO, W2 Consulting Group and Denise Hall, MSW LCSW Manager at Virginia DBHDS to discuss delivering standardized, statewide mobile crisis response training for a new behavioral health system.
We Look Forward to Meeting You in Charlotte
From MES implementation to eligibility determination, change management to statewide crisis response, serving others is at the core of our business. We are eager to share more about our work in Training Integration for MES implementation and crisis response. We hope to meet you at MESC!