April 2021

“Guy with the Bowtie”: Briljent’s HIT Client Manager, Brian Wikle

By Adam Hayden

“When you get all of us in a room, with our team’s HIT background, it’s hard to top that expertise.” -Brian Wikle

HIT Client Services Manager: The Guy with a Bowtie

Brian Wikle, HIT Client Services Manager, the “guy with the bowtie,” sat down with Adam Hayden, to chat about his healthcare experience, the relationship-driven approach of our health information technology (HIT) team, the “HIT Squad,” and Briljent’s recent collaboration with the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative, or “SHIEC.”


Image of HIT Client Services Manager, Brian Wikle. White male looking forward, smiling at the camera, with short, parted brown hair, glasses, white collared shirt, black bowtie, and burgundy blazer
Brian Wikle, HIT Client Services Manager, aka, the “Guy with the Bowtie”


Culture is our Difference-Maker

I asked what is unique about the Briljent way of doing business. “It’s our culture that delineates us from other firms.” Brian lit up and explained that what sets Briljent apart is the central role that culture plays in our interactions.

We like to have fun, no doubt, but when it comes down to our work, we are absolutely relentless about our client’s success.

“We enjoy our culture, we have fun together, we can be light-hearted, and laugh,” Brian said. We like to have fun, no doubt, but when it comes down to our work, we are absolutely relentless about our client’s success. This is because our team comes from health information exchanges (HIEs) and state and federal agencies. With three former state HIT Coordinators on the team, a project manager who also has 25 years of experience as a nurse with direct patient care, and a consultant with experience leading her own million-dollar HIT consultancy business before joining us, Briljent strives to be thought leaders. The credentials and experiences of our team members back that up. In an earlier post, we met the new members of the HIT Squad who joined Briljent in 2020.

We “speak state,” Brian explained, “I think this was a big draw for SHIEC to collaborate with us for our webinar series.”

Strategic Health Information Exchange Webinar Series

In the first quarter of 2021, Brian moderated a three-part webinar series for SHIEC members called, “Enhancing Sustainability: Advancing HIEs Beyond HITECH Funding.” Each session featured members from our team, and we were thrilled to welcome guest speaker, Prudence Vincent, BSN RN, Director of Customer Operations and Engagement from Idaho Health Data Exchange (IHDE), to share her expertise related to the topic, “Getting to Know Your Inner HIE – Benefits to Creating a Service Catalog for Your HIE.”

These 30-minute, lunch hour sessions were ideal for busy HIT leaders and consultants. In fact, each of our three sessions rivaled for the top spot in the list of most-attended SHIEC webinars. Our team’s experience and expertise with HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) and MES (Medicaid Enterprise Systems) funding, and our ability to “speak state,” drew in the large audience.

While moderating three webinars, Brian offered SHIEC members insights and opportunities from the evolving world of HIT funding, including topics relevant to HIEs and the MES landscape.

If you want to catch Brian and other members of the HIT Squad in action, SHIEC members can tune in for our next SHIEC webinar on April 20: “HIEs and QPP – The HIE Measure Opportunity.” This webinar will include a brief overview of the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP), a description of the “HIE Measure,” who is eligible to benefit, the requirements to meet the measure, and other measures and goals of QPP.

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