The Application
Delivering Heating and Cooling Assistance to Vulnerable Populations
Briljent is currently contributing to the delivery of a significant federal grant program for home energy assistance for low income families. We provide training and technical assistance to federal grantees across the country, working across the U.S. and with all states and directly funded Native American tribes.
The program supports grantees in providing heating and/or cooling assistance, crisis intervention assistance, and weatherization, and serves vulnerable populations with highly diverse needs. Since this is a block grant program, states and tribes have flexibility in how their programs can be implemented, and Briljent’s training and technical assistance needs to be equally flexible. Grantees do have to follow federal statute when it comes to policy development, program management and fiscal management of their programs, so Briljent works closely with federal staff, subject matter experts and grantees themselves.
Our work includes:
• Content and materials for national and regional grantee conferences. Briljent creates presentations, handouts and
activities, conducts practice sessions, communicates with all presenters and moderators, creates the agendas and helps to
develop topics for the general and breakout sessions.
• National training webinars on such topics as program basics, working with tribal leadership, creating a model plan, and
wood stove heating. Briljent creates presentations, recruits speakers or panelists, facilitates practice sessions, moderates the webinars, and provides 508-compliant recordings for web posting.
• On-site training and technical assistance for grantees. The team visited ten grantees a year for a two-day hands-on site visit to consult on a variety of topics, tailoring the agenda to the needs of the grantee.
• Facilitating development of a peer-to-peer mentoring network. This network connects state and tribal grantees to mentors. Briljent helped match participants and facilitated all communication and monitoring of the network.